A woman has been stabbed to death in Opathawaththa in Kotakethana, Kahawatte, an area which gained notoriety over the past two years due to series of murders of women in the area. Acting Police Media Spokesperson SSP Priyantha Jayakody stated that the woman was stabbed to death while she was plucking tea. The 48 year old is a mother of three. The Police Spokesperson said she was murdered at about 3 oçlock this afternoon. 13 women have been murdered in the Kotakethana area, Kahawaththa since 2011. Meanwhile, one person was injured in a drive-by shooting in Minuwangoda this afternoon. SSP Priyantha Jayakody noted that the injured victim was shot at by a motorcyclist while he was driving a vehicle. The victim is undergoing treatment at the National Hospital in Colombo.