Showing Videos with Catogery : Health and Beauty
Showing posts with label Health and Beauty. Show all posts

Lose Weight Fast 10Kg in 10 Days

How to Lose Weight in 10 Days. 10 days. If you can lose a guy in them, you can

Health Benefits of Kamias - bilimbi

after reading this, you will eat Kamias everyday - Kamias or bilimbi is possibly one of the most underestimated fruits in the world. It’s closely linked to the balimbing or star fruit, but unlike this fruit, kamias has a sour flavor used in many cuisines of the world. Native to the Philippines, this fruit-bearing tree is a rich source of vitamins B and C, iron, phosphorus and antioxidants. Although kamias is not as popular as other tropical fruits, it’s definitely rising in popularity due to its high nutritional value.

How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Overnight

TOP 3 WAYS How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Overnight Naturally at Home

Remedy to Make Your Lips Soft And Pink

No doubt that natural pink lips make you beautiful. It is an appealing feature of women’s beauty and every women wants baby pink lips. But many of us has damaged the soft skin of our lips and now the lips are dark. There are a lot of thing that can darken our lips such as, exposure to sunlight, caffeine, smoking etc. Even using low quality cosmetics which are filled with harmful chemicals can darken the lips.

3 Natural Ways to Fight Bad Breath

To treat bad breath follow this remedy twice daily. Bad breath is just an all-around unfortunate thing. It can make social situations uncomfortable, and it’s not pleasant to experience even if you’re all alone. There are quite a few quick-fixes out there and if you already religiously floss and brush, it can be quite frustrating trying to deal with it.Boil one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a cup of water. You may add some bay leaves and cardamom too. Strain the solution and use it as a mouth rinse to refresh your breath.

Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health

Each night, Trixie, my miniature schnauzer, sleeps on her back, with her head cocked sideways and her front paws raised in the air as if she is in the middle of doing the wave. Nestled between my husband and me on a king-sized bed, Trixie's pink stomach is stretched out for anyone to see and perhaps rub (if I had to guess). A fellow dog lover and amateur trainer once told me that this nocturnal position means that Trixie is an extremely trusting dog and feels loved. Turns out, a similar philosophy also holds for humans. Research suggests that exactly how we sleep (position-wise) and how long we sleep can provide clues to our personalities and mental and physical status.

This Vitamin Will Stop Cancer Cells From Growing

This Vitamin Will Stop Cancer Cells From Growing - There are certain vitamins, minerals, enzymes and plant compounds that have been scientifically proven to halt cancer cell growth. If your diet is rich in certain nutrients you can prevent cancer from proliferating. We all have cancer cells in our body, but our diet and gene expression (based on environmental factors) will cause cancer to grow out of control.

3 Effective Home Remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis is a painful inflammation of the stomach lining which can have many causes. The most common is an infection by H. pylori bacteria, but other common causes include regularly taking certain pain relievers, heavy alcohol consumption, and stress. The symptoms of gastritis include appetite loss and weight loss, nausea and vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, belching and bloating, and/or a feeling of being full even after eating just a little. Mild cases can be treated with over-the-counter remedies, dietary changes, and stress-reducing techniques; however, severe or persistent gastritis will usually require medical help to get rid of it.

4 Natural Ways To Remove Warts

Warts can be an embarrassing and distressing problem, especially if they can be seen by other people. They are very common and are not a major health issue, unless they keep coming back. If that is the case, you should see your physician to determine the reason for recurrent warts. If you just have a normal wart, though, there are some remedies that you can try to help it go away. To remove warts naturally using garlic, wash the area with soap and water, crush one clove of garlic to release its juices, apply the crushed garlic directly to the wart, and wrap the area with a bandage to let the garlic juice sink in; repeat as needed on a daily basis for several weeks.

Key signs and symptoms of cancer

Signs and symptoms are both signals of injury, illness, disease – signals that something is not right in the body. A sign is a signal that can be seen by someone else – maybe a loved one, or a doctor, nurse, or other health care professional. For example, fever, fast breathing, and abnormal lung sounds heard through a stethoscope may be signs of pneumonia. A symptom is a signal that’s felt or noticed by the person who has it, but may not be easily seen by anyone else. For example, weakness, aching, and feeling short of breath may be symptoms of pneumonia.

Never Buying Another Cough Medicine Again

We all know how persistent and irritating coughs can be. If you want to avoid over-the-counter solutions for such issues, you can opt for natural-alternatives. This easy-to-make cough remedy is one of the most beneficial DIY remedies for coughs and sore throats. Plus, it’s a much better option that the pharmaceutical solutions abundant in heavy chemicals and harmful ingredients, including flavors, coloring and additives. This homemade cough medicine contains very few simple ingredients, such as water, sugar, organic honey, lemon, ginger, and cloves. It’s very simple to make and it is extremely helpful against bad colds.

Drink This Mixture for Quick Burn Fat

Every Night before You Go To Bed, Drink This Mixture for Burn Fat. Even when you are asleep, the digestion has to be continued by the body , in order to begin the fat melting. Drink this mixture it will burn your UN-wanted fat.

Home Remedies for Reducing High Cholesterol

High cholesterol often is caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices like a diet high in saturated fats and lack of adequate physical activity. Factors such as obesity, smoking, excessive drinking, aging (arteries tend to narrow with age), genetics, and certain underlying conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney or liver disease also increase the risk of developing this problem. Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in your blood that is needed for building and maintaining cell membranes, converting sunshine to vitamin D, and other important functions.

Dairy Products and Breast Cancer Risk

Comparing with the people who consume a cup of milk a day, those who drink more than three have the risk of having a breast cancer. This is discovered by the Norway scientists at their latest studies. According to them, consuming milk is responsible for that. According to the latest statistics, the highest number of breast cancers are recorded in Finland, Sweden, Britain, Canada, and America. Do you know that these countries are in the top rung in producing and consuming milk? Scientists say that the breast cancers are minimal in the countries which have a less consumption of milk. Do you believe that the milk contains hormones and other compounds which could be taken as a carcinogen? Many prepared supplements such as vitamin D are added to milk. It confirms that those who caught to breast cancers have a maximum amount of Vitamin D in their bodies. In addition to milk, less consumption of vegetable and fish, excessive consumption of sugar, having more pork and wearing tight brassieres lead to breast cancers.

How To Repair Damaged Hair At Home

Is your hair dry and dull? Do you have split ends and frizz? Hair is damaged easily, but it takes time to repair it. The good news is you can use the following techniques to restore its health to make your hair look better. Rescue damaged hair and practice habits that will keep your hair healthy.

How Often Should You Pee?

This may not seem like an important thing to consider its just peeing right? Wrong! The number of times you hit the loo is very important in determining how hydrated you are. Dr. Neil Grafstein, assistant professor of urology at the Mount Sinai’s Hospital’s NYC, answer all our urine related questions. How often should one pee? As mentioned, there’s no definite number of times for peeing, but average people tend to urinate at least four times a day with a maximum of seven times per day. If you pee more than seven times, don’t panic just yet. There are several factors that can influence your urination frequency, including your hydration and how you hydrate yourself.

Home Remedy For Breast Cancer

Home remedies for breast cancer include garlic, broccoli, grapes, wheatgrass, green tea, lignans, soybean, vitamin D, calcium, and a well-balanced diet. Breast cancer refers to the malignant growth of tissues of the breast. These can be categorized as ductal, lobular, or inflammatory based on the place of origin. It can be caused due to consumption of alcoholic beverages, radiation therapy of the breast, a first child being born at an old age, old age, intake of progesterone or estrogen, and a number of other unspecified health factors and behavioral habits.

9 Foods That Will Make You Stronger

Feeling low on energy? You might be lacking the essential minerals and vitamins. Here is a selection of top 9 foods for boosting your energy and being more active to get through your busy day.

Effective Home Remedy For Joint Pains

If you think your aging alone has to do with your joint pains, you are not completely correct. These connections between your bones called joints that help you move and support you in whatever you do, may get pain due to various reasons. You may have joint pains due to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, strains, sprains, simple inflammation or some injuries. While knee pain is the most common one, other joint pains like shoulder and hip pain too affect many people. However, this is not all, you may get joint pain anywhere from your ankles to your shoulders not even sparing your finger joints. What is the exact cause of your joint pain can only be diagnosed by your physician. But there are certain natural remedies that can get you rid of the mild to chronic joint pains. Here are some of such home remedies for joint pains.

Tips For Beautiful Healthy Skin

Beautiful skin is one of the most attractive indicators of beauty and youth. Good sleep, plenty of water and stress free life are some of the most basic and important ingredients of youthful and beautiful appearance. And yea, healthy eating is also crucial! Our face and our hands are two particularly important (and visible to everyone) areas on our body that reflect our overall health and wellbeing. So, today we will talk about 5 simple, yet great, secrets on how to keep the skin of our face, hands and the whole body beautiful and healthy:
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